Display BMP On Console V2
Create a program to display a 72x24 BMP file on the console. You must use the information in the BMP header (refer to the exercise of Feb. 7th). Pay attention to the field named "start of image data". After that position, you will find the pixels of the image. You can ignore the information about the color palette and draw an "X" when the color is 255, and a blank space if the color is different.
Note: You can create a test image with the following steps on Paint for Windows: Open Paint, create a new image, change its properties in the File menu so that it is a color image, width 72, height 24, and save as "256 color bitmap (BMP)".
Example Code
import java.util.*;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
BinaryReader inputFile;
String fileName = "";
if (args.length != 1)
System.out.println("Please enter filename...");
fileName = new Scanner(System.in).nextLine();
fileName = args[0];
if (!(new java.io.File(fileName)).isFile())
System.out.println("the file not exists");
inputFile = new BinaryReader(File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Open));
// Leo cabecera 1: deber ser P5
char tag1 = (char)inputFile.ReadByte();
char tag2 = (char)inputFile.ReadByte();
byte endOfLine = inputFile.ReadByte();
if ((tag1 != 'P') || (tag2 != '5') || (endOfLine != 10))
System.out.println("The file is not a PGM");
// Leo cabecera 2: ancho y alto
byte data = 0;
String sizeOfImage = "";
while (data != 10)
data = inputFile.ReadByte();
sizeOfImage += (char)data;
String[] widthAndHeight = sizeOfImage.split("[ ]", -1);
int width = Integer.parseInt(widthAndHeight[0]);
int height = Integer.parseInt(widthAndHeight[1]);
// Leo cabecera 3: deber ser 255
char maxIntensity1 = (char)inputFile.ReadByte();
char maxIntensity2 = (char)inputFile.ReadByte();
char maxIntensity3 = (char)inputFile.ReadByte();
byte endOfLine1 = inputFile.ReadByte();
if ((maxIntensity1 != '2') || (maxIntensity2 != '5') || (maxIntensity3 != '5') || (endOfLine1 != 10))
System.out.println("Must be 256 grey levels");
catch (RuntimeException e)
System.out.printf("Error: %1$s" + "\r\n", e);