Create a java program that asks the user for a decimal number and displays its equivalent in binary form. It should be repeated until the user enters the word "end." You must not use "ToString", but succesive divisions.
Example Code
import java.util.*;
public class Main
public static void main(String[] args)
String answer;
String result;
System.out.print("Number to convert (or \"end\")? ");
answer = new Scanner(System.in).nextLine();
if (!answer.equals("end"))
int n = Integer.parseInt(answer);
result = "";
while (n > 1)
int remainder = n % 2;
result = String.valueOf(remainder) + result;
n /= 2;
result = String.valueOf(n) + result;
System.out.printf("Binary: %1$s" + "\r\n", result);
} while (!answer.equals("end"));